Rapid Product Idea Validation in the Healthcare Industry

Our client was a healthcare provider seeking to streamline the use of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) for medical professionals.

The challenge

Medical providers face a chaotic landscape filled with diverse products and regulatory hurdles.

Our goal was to create a toolkit to simplify sourcing, boost recommendation confidence, and enhance patient care through streamlined procedures and tailored communication.

To achieve this, we needed to quickly create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and test the idea with potential users to ensure its effectiveness and usability.

Flexible workflow

Faced with a tight deadline, we skipped the usual research phase and quickly sketched basic screen layouts with identified essential user actions. Then, we created wireframes filled with actual content and refined the UI details with each iteration.

This approach allowed us to quickly transform a mere concept into a viable product prototype, aligning our vision with the client's and clarifying any unclear areas.

The mantra "Ship fast, verify, improve, and ship again" was crucial, especially as all parties were still shaping their understanding and vision of the product.

The outcome

Within just two weeks, our client was able to present a product prototype to potential users with three separate user journeys. The prototype was well-received and started valuable discussions about the target market, which revealed a lower financial potential than initially expected.

With minimal cost, our client validated the concept, acquired invaluable insights, and avoided the expensive risk of a full-scale development failure. Encouraged by this success, they have returned for further idea exploration and plan to advance the next project into the development phase.

"Working with Mirumee, and in particular, Iwo's design team, was an exceptional experience in exploring the ExtraRx concept. They delivered high-fidelity designs that were instrumental in presenting the concept with compelling visual aids. This, in turn, facilitated meaningful discussions, allowing for the effective collection of feedback and validation of the business concept."

Zach Silverman

Lessons learned

  1. Demonstrating, rather than describing and testing reactions in real-world settings, is crucial.
  2. Creating visual interfaces and workflows and continuous iteration based on feedback enhance product development in high-uncertainty projects.