Scientist 1
Scientist 2


Turn your ideas
into maintainable
software that lasts

Let’s engineer impressive digital products together.

What sets us apart

We use technology to scale businesses with products that clients and users love.


Quality, Performance, Predictability

We have a proven track record in delivering exceptional solutions. We combine best software engineering practices and innovative thinking to provide customized software that drives growth, fosters scalability, and meets the highest quality standards.


Headless solutions since 2012

Born in the open-source community, we rose to love and live technology. APIs became the new fabric of web development. Decoupling the front-end from the back-end unlocks new possibilities, optimizes processes, and future-proofs organizations to deliver exceptional value to customers.


Visionary Industry Leaders choose us

We proudly partner with pioneers, meeting their most ambitious needs and bringing their vision to life with technology. We strive to excel in customer success and predictable outcomes enabling brands to expand seamlessly into new markets.

Unlock Agility and Flexibility for Your E-commerce Business

We build robust, scalable, and easy-to-maintain e-commerce solutions for high-volume, omnichannel, fast-growing brands.

Why do we believe composable commerce is the best approach?

  • As your business grows, your e-commerce platform has to be able to cope with increasing traffic and performance bottlenecks. With modular components, you can easily build a highly efficient system, and then modify or upgrade specific functionalities without disrupting it. This agility allows for faster time-to-market, enables rapid experimentation, helps increase conversion and empowers businesses to expand into new markets.

  • We stand by the fact that every business is unique, and so are their online store requirements. The real advantage of composable commerce is not only the freedom to choose the best tools and technologies, but, above all, the unlimited ability to customize them to meet specific needs of your business and precisely solve the problems that you face. Creating a tailor-made PIM, a custom payment gateway integration or an advanced search optimization is at your fingertips, while off-the-shelf solutions won’t suit you.

  • Monolithic e-commerce stacks are slow in adapting to the new reality of higher customer expectations regarding digital sales. Replatforming with technologies that are constantly innovating and optimizing will ensure an easy expansion of your system. Without the need of having to rebuild it every few years, which is costly and time-consuming. Approaching it this way will help you to stay ahead of the competition and create a truly immersive shopping experience for your customers.

The key to an efficient composable system: A highly extensible headless commerce platform

Meet Saleor - the most advanced open commerce platform, powered by GraphQL, following the MACH (Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless) approach.

As the original Saleor creators and regular contributors we specialize in creating custom online stores that can be easily integrated with other systems and offers you freedom in choosing the best technology and tools you need to succeed with your project.

Ultimate Tech Stack

At each stage of development we will introduce you to truly innovative and forward-thinking technology that scales and will support the growth of your business for the long term.

Global Extension

We create multi-channel solutions for fast-growing e-commerce brands with the goal of enabling them to seamlessly enter other markets and empower their growth plans for the future.

Unparalleled Performance

When you serve hundreds of thousands of clients and manage millions of products, you can scale front-end, back-end, and other integrations independently and thus achieve much better outcomes for your key metrics even during intense sales peaks.

Explore what you can expect by crafting a Saleor-centered modular architecture with e-commerce experts - read Rough Trade Re-platforming Success Story

Our technological partnerships guarantee priority support and, most importantly, results

We create multi-channel solutions for fast-growing e-commerce brands with the goal of enabling them to seamlessly enter other markets and empower their growth plans for the future.


Do you want to expand your business into new markets?

Mirumee projects gallery


Audit / Consultancy

Curious what our experts can tell about your product?
Within 4 days we can give you a detailed review of your product, nailing down areas for improvement and pain points.

  • Business and user objectives

    Usability guidelines compliance

    Design evaluation

    List of recommendations


Product Design

Our most complete design service. The process is based on the best practices and methodologies, which allow us to be flexible, adapting to almost any project type and collaboration model. Focused on achieving user and business goals, with no unnecessary steps.

With regular review and liaison. Your team has easy access to our work on all stages of the design, so you can track progress and give feedback from the very first sketches.

  • 1. Discovery workshop

    Gather all the key information and assets. Understand the business goals and key use cases. Research target market and opportunity areas.

    2. Concept and wireframing

    Create user flows, shape the product and its features. Bring ideas into connected clickable wireflows. Verify goals. Establish the basic structure of the product.

    3. Testing & validation

    Create a high fidelity prototype and test the solution with potential users.

    4. Visual design

    Set the feel and style. Define the color palette, fonts, illustration style.

    5. Development handover

    Provide an organised design system that contains all assets, components, interactions and styles.


Creative exploration

Explore your products potential beyond the current roadmap. Our team consists of creative geeks, with passion for innovation, constantly seeking opportunity areas to expand the products horizon.

  • Explore product potential

    Let us use our fresh approach to research, explore and utilize your product’s potential to achieve maximum impact.

    Craft unique user experiences

    A product is a set of experiences and emotions. Discover how to stand out, and forge unforgettable connections with your user. Move beyond best practices and shape the future of retail and user experience.

    Break industry patterns

    Don’t follow, play your own game. Seek opportunities that will place you ahead of the competition.

    Tame cutting-edge technologies and services

    Don’t miss rising advantages that shaping technology brings. The tools and technologies used to build your product really count. We always stay on the cutting edge with the latest trends.


Mirumee routinely delivers superior code that’s ready to be reviewed. They pride themselves on functioning like development partners instead of a typical third-party vendor. The team consists of expert Django and Python developers. Their lead developer is a true innovator of e-commerce technology.
Zach Silverman

Zach Silverman,

Co-founder & CTO, Leaflink

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