Personalization is the Future of eCommerce

In the eCommerce cyber business world, personalization is a trend that is quickly growing in popularity and 2021 has been a breakthrough year. By default, users have now come to expect the personalization experience.

The individual adjustment of interactions with the consumer, has become an integral part of digital sales. And it’s not only about improving the quality of service and leaving a positive experience, there are other ways to use personalization in communication: offer, retention, and purchase channels.

What is eCommerce personalization?

Personalization in eCommerce is the process of creating a shopping experience that is explicitly intended for a single customer, not for a broad audience.

Instead of adopting a universal, homogeneous approach to their entire audience, online sellers create critical elements of the customer journey, including website content, emails, social media activity, and paid advertising. They change depending on the needs and previous behavior of customers.

Top Easy-to-Implement eCommerce Personalization

There are numerous solutions available that are not only effective but also straightforward to implement. These tools can help tailor product recommendations, customize marketing messages, and create a more engaging shopping experience tailored to individual user preferences.

Geolocation Notifications

If you have separate store pages for visitors from different countries, offer them redirection to a page that matches their actual location. This solution will help overcome the disappointing feeling when a gem has caught your eye in an online store but turns out the product is unavailable in your country.
eCommerce Personalization: Geolocation Notifications

Source: Reebok

Remarketing Email Campaigns

Personalization can significantly increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns by encouraging customers to open, read and click on emails. The messages can remind users about abandoned carts or a product they viewed that wasn’t previously available in their size.
eCommerce Personalization: Remarketing

Source: Uber Eats Mailing

Customized Homepage Experience

Each time a customer lands on your homepage, they can see personalized content, including preferred categories, recently viewed products, suggested products, and more.
eCommerce Personalization: Customized Homepage

Source: Amazon

Show Nearby Stores with Pick-Up Options

One of the drawbacks of online shopping is that it does not provide immediate gratification. When customers visit a regular retail store, they can check and buy items immediately without waiting for the courier to arrive.

Online retailers solve this problem in two ways: first, same-day or next-day delivery; second, allowing customers to pick up products in a brick-and-mortar store.

Showing your customers the closest store location on your product pages gives them the confidence to choose in-store pick-up at checkout. In addition, when you take into account the closing time of this store, it can create an urgent need for customers to have this product on the same day.

Display Delivery Info for Specific Locations

Always clearly display general delivery information on product pages to ease customer concerns about this issue. Uncertainty about the cost and speed of delivery can cause customers to leave your store without adding products to the cart.

Conversely, incorporating shipping information to a specific location takes this strategy to a new level. As a result, customers should not doubt the nature of the delivery to their location. For example, the statement “Free Shipping to Warsaw” has more power than just “Free Shipping.”

eCommerce Personalization: Customized Delivery Information

Customize Your Post-Order Thank You Page

Customers who have already made a purchase are often willing to continue browsing the page. You can encourage them to do so in two ways: show them related product suggestions based on their purchase or any information provided during checkout; offer them a promotional code.
eCommerce Personalization: Customized Thank You Page

Source: Walmart

Customization of Live Chat Support

Sometimes customers want to chat with a real person, especially if they’re buying something expensive.

They shouldn’t need to search the FAQ pages and then wait three days for an email response. Instead, offering live chat with a single on-screen button is the best way to provide excellent customer service, meanwhile dispelling any doubts or answering a customer’s questions about the product.

If you don’t have enough resources to put live chat on the site, try to make it easier as possible for your visitors to find the customer service email address and phone number.

eCommerce Personalization: Customized Saleor Live Chat

Source: Saleor

New Dimension of eCommerce Personalization

Sometimes customers can personalize products individually. Customizations can be minor, such as changing the color or adding a gift wrap, or more significant, such as changing the product’s entire design.

Product Customization

Most retailers allow this option with a few flagship products, which can be particularly successful in the clothing section. However, even if you only offer personalization on a few products, you can attract customers to your store for other purchases.

One of the interesting examples of product personalization is the website: It allows you to create generative furniture that can be freely customized to their needs by the user. After placing the order, the furniture is manufactured to size and the assembly instructions are generated automatically.

eCommerce Personalization: Product Customization

Source: Tylko

One such solution implemented by Mirumee is an e-commerce tool for one of our client - Lush. It allows users to create a personalized gift box with LUSH brand products.

eCommerce Personalization: Mirumee Product Customization for Lush

Source: Lush

Another example of personalizing products is the Nike For You service. Nike enables personalization of the most top models of its products, thanks to which it not only provides the most “your” products, but also increases the value of the basket of standard products.
eCommerce Personalization: Product Customization Nike For You

Source: Nike

Perfectly Selected Size with Fit Analytics

When buying clothes and shoes online, the most difficult moment for the user is choosing the size. Therefore, many users give up online shopping in favor of stationary purchases. Therefore, it is worth implementing solutions that will help users choose the perfect size.

Fit Analytics is an example of such a tool. Virtual Size Advisor. Fit Analytics is an intuitive size advisor that gives buyers confidence and collects key customer information for apparel companies. Fit Finder delivers over 1 billion size recommendations to leading stores worldwide every month. Global giants like ASOS, The North Face, and Tommy Hilfiger trust Fit Analytics to solve the sizing problem.

In a series of live A / B tests with the world’s largest brands, Fit Analytics has been proven to consistently outperform both static size charts and all competing solutions.

Fit Analytics uses advanced machine learning algorithms and the largest dataset in the apparel industry to provide size recommendations that are based on science, not subjectivity.

eCommerce Personalization: Fit Analitycs

Source: Fit Analytics

Virtual Fitting Room

A virtual fitting room is a comfortable solution for people who do not know what shape they are looking for and would like to try different models. Thanks to this modern solution, you can choose the perfect glasses for yourself — without leaving your home.

The virtual fitting room uses the so-called augmented reality (AR). Using this modern technology and a webcam in a given device (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc.), the screen changes into a virtual mirror. Here you can see your reflection in selected frames of corrective glasses or sunglasses. This allows you to try on any number of different models from the comfort of your home and adjust them to the shape of your face.

eCommerce Personalization: Virtual Fitting Room

Source: Eyeconic

Foot Measuring System

The system includes scans of nearly 600,000 shoe models. It is the largest base of this type in the world. After combining the scan with the user’s profile on, within a few seconds we receive recommendations of shoes that best fit the scanned foot. This solution allows for a much more efficient purchase of footwear via the Internet and the proper selection of different sizes of individual manufacturers.
eCommerce Personalization: Foot Measuring System

Source: Esizeme

Personalized Search Result

It is worth that the search engine in your online store takes into account everything you know about the user. Thanks to this, the user will be able to find the product they are interested in faster. Algolia Search is a solution that may be of use to you.

Artificial Intelligence Algolia delivers relevant content to the right user within milliseconds. in addition, it automatically performs continuous optimizations to generate higher conversions in your store.
eCommerce Personalization: Customized Search Result

Source: Algolia

Interface Tailored to Customer Aesthetics Preferences

With the introduction of Android 12, there will be many new possibilities for personalizing user interfaces. Designers at Google, Android and app teams came together to answer this challenge. They asked themselves: “What if form not only followed function but also followed feeling?”. Material You explores a more humanistic approach to design. It celebrates the tension between design sensitivity and personal preferences and does not shy away from emotions. For example, based on the user’s favorite wallpaper set on the phone, the color theme of the system and the applications installed on it will change smoothly.
eCommerce Personalization: Customized Interface

Shopping Experiences Based on User Moods

A great solution available on GitHub is musicScapes. It allows you to customize the graphics of the music CD store based on the user’s mood from the last 50 songs streamed on Spotify.

eCommerce Personalization: Customized Shopping Experience

Source: MusicScapes

Dynamic Screen Experiences - Beyond Responsive

The new era of Ambient Computing takes responsiveness to a new level. In addition to the standard operation of the phone, tablet, and computer, modern stores should also personalize to other carriers such as the smart display, automotive, smartwatch, or smart speaker. These integrations allow users to purchase your product anytime, anywhere.
eCommerce Personalization: Dynamic Screen

Take Care of Personalization in eCommerce

As you can see, personalization helps to increase profits. Whatever your budget. It can be both small improvements and real innovations.

Taken together, all of these elements will change the way new and existing customers interact with your store and marketing content. Their commitment will deepen, sales will increase, and revenues will be higher.

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